List of Faculty in the Graduate Group in Applied Mathematics (GGAM)

GGAM comprises faculty members from departments across the campus, including its home, the Department of Mathematics. Below is a brief description of faculty research, links to personal and departmental web pages plus some "Related Courses" which can serve as a general study guideline for students interested in research with a particular faculty member. Students who want a more complete description of a faculty member's research interests are encouraged to contact them.

Choose a department below or list all faculty
Biomedical Engineering Biostatistics, Public Health Sciences
Bodega Marine Laboratory Center for Neuroscience
Chemical Engineering Chemical Engineering and Materials Science
Civil and Environmental Engineering Computer Science
Department of Pharmacology Economics
Electrical and Computer Engineering Environmental Science and Policy
Evolution and Ecology Graduate School of Management
Land, Air and Water Resources Materials Science & Engineering
Mathematics Mechanical and Aeronautical Engineering
Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering Microbiology and Molecular Genetics
Molecular and Cellular Biology Neurobiology, Physiology and Behavior
Physics Statistics

NameResearch/Related Courses
Dong, XiaoliSpatial pattern formation; geo-evolutionary feedbacks; reaction diffusion models.
[Related Courses]
Hastings, AlanEnvironmental Studies and Mathematics. Theoretical population biology including mathematical ecology and mathematical genetics; qualitative theory of differential equations, differential delay equations, bifurcation theory.
Largier, John L.Study of hydrodynamics and dispersion in coastal ocean, including bays, estuaries and nearshore. Dispersion problems related to environmental issues, e.g., water quality, population ecology, algal blooms, estuarine habitat. Hydrodynamic problems include stratified flow, surface wind forcing, flow-topography interactions (e.g., jets, wakes, boundary layers), and waves/tides/internal waves.
[Related Courses]
Sanchirico, James N.Environmental and natural resource economics, mathematical ecology and epidemiology, optimal control theory, spatial and dynamic analysis of economic-ecological models, bioeconomic analysis, panel data econometric estimation.
Valdovinos, FernandaValdovinos studies the structure and dynamics of ecological networks at ecological and evolutionary scales; including their resilience to biodiversity loss, biological invasions, climate change, and exploitation by humans. Her main research lines include plant-pollinator systems and food-webs, which she studies using a combination of mathematical and computational approaches.
[Related Courses]